Friday, February 19, 2010

I officially hate Singaporeans now.

But t'was nice with my colleagues, especially during the state of emergency. Job sucks, keep making mistakes, but thank god the company (in both sense of the word) keeps me going.

Singaporeans really need to learn that it isn't cool or awe-inspiring to threaten to destroy someone's income. I mean, we're all temps, so we don't really care, but imagine if I was the sole breadwinner of a family? Just to spite others, to prove your so called customer rights, just so you can tell your friends the next day how you very fiercely scolded someone, and you end up causing a family financial problems, and maybe even more. Or what if those very words you said caused someone to think of themselves as inferior, and you, there and then, just cut off all the confidence a person ever had. So Singaporeans, are you all still proud of standing up for your customer rights in this manner?

Once again, thank goodness I'm temp. And no, I'm not bitching about my job, just a thought that floated into my mind during lunch break yesterday. Cant people realize the nicer they are, the more we as CSOs will want to help you. Clarify/Request doesn't equate to scream+ swear+ curse someone's family to die. Tsk. Singaporeans. So full of themselves.

Colleagues rock, no wait, ROCK. It's almost like being back in school. And nice supervisors make it so much more tolerable. And not to mention pay. cant wait for first paycheck to come in. =)

Had a nice day off hanging out with basil. percy jackson is kinda cheesy but its still cool. b&js still awesome, mad jacks was disappointing. Its only when you're out there facing flak from the real world that you appreciate off-days. Who am I kidding. I rather this than 2 years in JC. At least I'm paid.

So I consider CNY over, seeing how nasty customers are getting, working morning shift, secretly pissed that I'm working on my birthday. Oh well. =(

there's always a place in me that you can call home.

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